What is death?
It is a philosophical question that haunts the intelligentsia from time immemorial. Many thinkers tried to respond to the issue. Unlike other questions, here, all were successful to reach the answers because of the simplicity of the question.
Sometimes, this might be the lone question for which everyone might get the right answer even if the answers are contradictory to one another. In other words we can also say that all the answers are wrong. That is the funny side of this dilemma. Anyway we can ask this question once more.
What is death?
Death is the cessation of the connection between our mind and our body or death is the termination of the biological functions of a living organism or simply DEATH is the end of LIFE.
Then enters the question, what is LIFE?
An object is said to have life if it traverses with time, otherwise it is dead.
There was life on a body till this moment, but there is no life after this moment, means death has only one dimension - time. In the case of the body, all other dimensions are the same before and after death, except the dimension - time. So we can conclude that if a body fails to traverse with time it is dead and if a body traverses with time it has life.
We can illustrate life, death and time with a suitable example. My pet dog died one minute ago, means, it ended its journey with time; the physical dimensions of my pet dog failed to be in motion with the dimension of time. Its physical body is there in front of me, there is no visible physical change so far, but it has no life. The only problem with my pet dog is that it has no today or tomorrow. The dimension of time has not succeeded to be with the other dimensions of my pet dog even though all other dimensions are there intact as it was there one minute back. So, we can say that an object is said to have life if it traverses with time, otherwise it is dead.
Ultimately we can say that TIME is LIFE. Or in other words, if an object enfolds the dimension, TIME, along with its physical dimensions then it is having life. If the dimension, TIME, is eliminated then it will become dead.